Monster Slayers

Luckily for humanity though, the huntsmen existed. The academies existed. Beta: theme gallery and design settings for beginners. Protectors of life and slayers of Grimm, they were the thin line of light which held back the darkness. And soon Jaune would be among them. The blond boy shuffled in his seat, leaning over to speak to the pilot. 'I can't thank you enough for the ride,' he told the man.


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  • Is a 'monster hunter' anime that depicts the microscopic battles taking place in the human body every day. Germs and viruses are huge, scary and cool, and knife-wielding white blood cells must fight them to the death. 11 The Rising Of The Shield Hero.
  • Monster Slayers Monster's Den Monster's Den: Book of Dread Monsters' Den Chronicles MorningStar Murloc RPG Murloc RPG 2 My Pet Protector My Pet Protector 2.
  • The Cave Monster is a level 11 mob that spawns inside the Werewolf's Cave. They have an appearance similar to the spider and they make eerie whispering noises when the player gets close to them. They have no eyes and a scary shaped face, making them look creepier if visible. In the back of the cave is a gold egg (which is most likely the main point of the cave monsters). The best way to reach.

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Haunt the house. You awaken to find your once quiet house is full of noisy party guests! Can't a ghost haunt in peace? Possess items around the house and scare everyone out! The more you scare, the more powerful you become. In Haunt the House, you take control of an unhappy ghost ready to scare away the intruders. Claiming the mansion as its house, our ghost character is irritated by the living residents, and it came up with a plan. Can you help it scare the people? Haunt the House is a perfect game to get in a Halloween mood. There is a party going on in the house where Mr ghost lives and he doesn't like parties. So he tries to scare the guests away. He does this by possessing objects with his soul and doing spooky things with them. Can't a ghost haunt in peace? Possess items around the house and scare everyone out! The more you scare, the more powerful you become. Don't frighten them too much though, they might freak out and do something stupid. Haunt The House is a game that has top notch art and graphic designs that include James the zebra and The blue rabbit pictures which are a classic touch. Catchy phrases are used to make the game more engaging and it is action packed with people jumping off walls and running around on floors and in rooms.

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The main force of the Sahuagin invaders are camped in the wilderness outside Korthos village, along with the brainwashed Devourer cult members bound to serve them.

  • This adventure zone is accessible from Korthos Village after finishing The Collaborator quest.
  • This is a level 1 Wilderness Adventure Area, allowing characters from levels 1 through 3 for full XP gain. Exceeding the maximum character level requirement will reduce XP gain from Rare Encounter / Slayer / Explorer quests.
  • Remember rare encounters do not always spawn. It may take several visits to the Wilderness Adventure Area before you find all of them.
  • Like all wilderness areas, this zone does not advance to Hard, Elite, or Reaper.

Monster Slayers D D

Wilderness Objectives[edit]

Rare EncounterSlayerExplorer
  • Slay Vekz Spluhr
    Sahuagin Overlook
  • Slay Cicic
    Ice beach near the Shrine to the
    Devourer, just below Amalgam
  • Slay Zeer
    Ice River, south end
    near the Decrepit Catacombs
  • Slay 10 creatures in Korthos Island: 85 XP = 8.5 xp/kill
  • Slay 25 creatures in Korthos Island: 127 XP = 8.47 xp/kill
  • Slay 50 creatures in Korthos Island: 205 XP = 8.2 xp/kill
  • Slay 100 creatures in Korthos Island: 390 XP = 7.8 xp/kill
  • Slay 200 creatures in Korthos Island: 775 XP = 7.75 xp/kill
  • Slay 400 creatures in Korthos Island: 1,585 XP = 7.93 xp/kill
  • Slay 750 creatures in Korthos Island: 2,895 XP = 8.27 xp/kill
  • Discover the Tree of Sacrifice
  • Discover the Algid Falls
  • Discover the Watchful Vigil
  • Discover the Dilapidated Aqueduct
  • Find the Adventurer's Camp
  • Discover the Shrine to the Devourer
  • Discover the Sahuagin Overlook
  • Find the ventilation shaft
  • Find the abandoned cannith manufactory
  • Find the decrepit catacombs
  • Find the cannith aqueduct
  • Find misery's peak
Each Rare Encounter is worth 200 XP, with a bonus of 300 XP for defeating all of them. There are approximately 90 monsters in the wilderness including rare ones.Each Explorer is worth 100 XP, with a bonus of 300 XP for locating everything.


Quest NameQuest LevelTotal FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Stopping the Sahuagin19The Coin Lords
Sacrifices19The Free Agents
Redemption19The Coin Lords
Necromancer's Doom16House Jorasco
Misery's Peak212The Free Agents
Total5 Quests45

Chest loot[edit]

  • Item:Engraved Ring -
  • Item:Ring of Alertness - , ,

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Monster Slayers Game

Brown RatAnimalRat
Devourer AcolyteHumanoidHuman
Devourer DiscipleHumanoidHuman
Devourer MinionHumanoidHuman
Ice SpiderVerminSpider
Sahuagin AdeptMonstrous HumanoidSahuagin
Sahuagin BaronMonstrous HumanoidSahuagin
Sahuagin PriestessCRs missing!Monstrous HumanoidSahuagin
Sahuagin WarriorMonstrous HumanoidSahuagin
Sahuagin WhelpMonstrous HumanoidSahuagin
Vekz Spluhr2Monstrous HumanoidSahuagin
Young Ice MephitAir OutsiderMephit
Zeer1Air OutsiderMephit
ZombieQL1:; QL2/QL3:UndeadZombie
Monster Slayers
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